Have you heard of Preparation H?
If not, let me fill you in...
It's a cream normally used for hemorrhoids!
I say "normally" because there are women using Prep H cream in an attempt to smooth out cellulite.
Crazy. Right?
Apparently, all you need to do is smother Prep H on to the troublesome patches of cellulite and hey-presto, your cellulite will vanish FOREVER.
If only it were that simple.
The reality is that Prep H is just another quick fix that leads to more frustration.
Yes, it may well tighten the skin in the short term, but with prolonged use it can actually cause your skin to thin out making cellulite look worse.
It's a bad idea.
Our advice, steer clear of wacky methods, such as hemorrhoid cream and try something like this instead...
The #1 cellulite secret for women
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